| Celalalte Cuvinte | |
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Autor | Mesaj |
andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Celalalte Cuvinte Mar Oct 02, 2007 1:17 am | |
| N-am harul prezentarilor detaliate (ave, Aldi), faza e ca Celelalte Cuvinte e pe cale de a intra in ProgArchives la categoria Heavy Progressive; urmeaza sa le scriu biografia si problema e ca pe metal competentele mele sunt minimale. Cine ma ajuta cu idei despre perioada metal al Cuvintelor? Trasaturi stilistice, influente externe, cat de progresive is, lucruri de genul asta. Eu ma ocup de restul, scriu forma definitiva in engleza si mentionez autorii.
Multumesc anticipat. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Mar Oct 02, 2007 3:58 pm | |
| Celelalte Cuvinte au fost acceptati pentru Heavy Progressive (ca si Progresiv TM)! Any takers? Edit: recitind posturile lui Zarec de pe poll-ul de prog romanesc, sunt multe lucruri utile acolo, sarumana. | |
| | | Aldi Bill Bruford
Numarul mesajelor : 1928 Localisation : Baia Mare Data de inscriere : 05/06/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Lun Oct 08, 2007 4:03 pm | |
| Aflat la cumparaturi zilele trecute, am intrat si intr-un magazin de CD-uri de unde am iesit cu trei albume ale Cuvintelor: Celelalte Cuvinte, Armaghedon si NOS. Cand am dat sa-l ascult pe primul, prima impresie a fost de sunet mai bun, de parca la trecerea pe CD au facut ceva cu inregistrarile. A fost doar o impresie. Nu stiu daca au trecut trei minute si am recunoscut tarele vechii inregistrari pe care o am si pe vinil. Daca bass-ul se aude bine, in schimb chitarile electrice dau senzatia ca raman undeva in spate. Am avut doua tendinte: ba sa ma apropiu de boxe, ba sa cresc volumul, pana mi-am dat seama ca sunt caraghios. Nu ajuta la nimic. Muzica, in schimb, mi-a facut placere. Continui sa sustin ca este cel mai bun album al lor. Compozitii lucrate, bass-ul lui Mihai Breazu “se simte bine”, chitara acustica excelenta, insertii muzicale ale altor instrumente, poezie si chiar vocea lui Calin Pop, care altadata nu ma incanta prea tare, acum mi s-a parut potrivita. Nu cred ca asi accepta melodiile CC cu un alt vocal decat Calin. A trebuit sa citesc definitia de pe PA ca sa inteleg ce e heavy-prog. Li se potriveste mai bine decat alte incadrari. O singura auditie din celelalte doua albume asa ca nu vreau sa ma pronunt inca dar o prima impresie ar fi ca “Armaghedon” are influente doom, iar “NOS” este un fel de intoarcere la radacini, daca nu la prog, atunci la un rock clasic. Dar trebuie sa le mai ascult. Celelalte Cuvinte este formatia de la care mereu am asteptat marele album. Se pare ca el nu a mai venit. Asa vad eu lucrurile. Daca ar fi sa judec doar muzica, “Celelalte Cuvinte” ar merge, dupa criteriile mele, spre patru stele, dar privit in ansamblu, produsul nu are cum trece de trei stele, datorita inregistrarii. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Lun Oct 08, 2007 4:44 pm | |
| Cred ca "Vinil Collection" e unul din putinele lucruri cu adevarat bune facute de Electrecord in ajutorul unei trupe. Compilatia respectiva reprezinta mai bine opera si poetica Cuvintelor mai bine decat o fac insasi albumele originale. S-ar putea sa fiu legat la ochi pentru ca eu am "crescut" practic cu compilatia aceea, dar e evident totusi ca e o idee buna sa iei doua albume plus un EP, sa le pui impreuna si sa cerni doar cele cateva chestii care sunt mai slabute. Mie chiar imi place mai mult compozitia compilatiei (succesiunea pieselor, tranzitiile, conceptul care rezulta din asta) decat cea a albumelor. Daca albumele sunt de trei stele pentru mine, compilatia e de patru. Apropo Aldi, daca ai ocazia, nu evita "Celelalte Cuvinte II". Mie imi place la fel de mult ca primul. Parca, intr-adevar, piesele de "umplutura" sunt mai slabute decat "umpluturile" de pe primul. In schimb piesele de rezistenta, cu clapele excelent integrate, si cu tobele ce-mi amintesc perfect de Neil Peart pe Moving Pictures, sunt superbe. | |
| | | Aldi Bill Bruford
Numarul mesajelor : 1928 Localisation : Baia Mare Data de inscriere : 05/06/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Lun Oct 08, 2007 5:00 pm | |
| Am "Celelalte Cuvinte II" pe vinil inca de la aparitia sa. Din pacate, din lipsa de spatiu, am exilat, atat colectia de viniluri cat si pickup-ul, undeva pe un dulap, in spatele rafturilor de CD-uri. Pentru mine orice ascultare de vinil este o adevarata munca. Zilele astea incerc sa rearanjez unele lucruri pentru a face loc si pickup-ului. | |
| | | Zarec Trent Reznor
Numarul mesajelor : 1563 Varsta : 34 Localisation : Valenii de Munte Data de inscriere : 26/12/2006
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Lun Oct 08, 2007 5:45 pm | |
| Exceptand NOS, bass-ul care acopera chitara pe discurile Celelalte Cuvinte este deja o axioma. In rest, albumul eponim e cam plinut de piese de umplutura, nici nu se compara cu Se Lasa Rau care numai daca te uiti la stil si la instrumentele folosite ramai surprins,anume pian peste riffuri de thrash metal. Acest aspect mi se pare la fel de"experimental" precum Apocalyptica. Cat despre "Armaghedon", o spun dintr-o perspectiva pur subiectiva, imi aminteste de trupa Thunderstorm (as vrea eu sa fie trupa romaneasca dar este cea italiana cea la care ma refer) care are, asemanator, niste motive tare neobisnuite folosite pentru a ajunge la doom metal traditional, daca il pot numi asa. Cat despre ce au de spus pe NOS, nu sunt familiarizat decat cu piesa "WWW" insa numele in sine denota o lipsa acuta de sensibilitate care se reflecta si in melodie... exact cum a spus si Aldi, se revine la rock clasic nu progresiv, si inca unul destul de neinspirat, zic eu. Desigur ma axez doar pe o piesa ascultata de cateva ori la TV dar imi imaginez ca din moment ce a beneficiat de videoclip, este reprezentativa. In rest, sa isi mai ia un chitarist pentru spectacolele live ca sunetul ramne cam gol cand se pleaca pe solouri. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Lun Oct 08, 2007 5:57 pm | |
| Sunt de acord cu observatiile pe parte instrumentala. De altfel, ei il considera pe Radu Manafu (al doilea chitarist) in continuare membru al trupei, doar ca el nu poate lua parte. Cat despre primul album, eu zic ca "umpluturile" sunt perfect justificate, sunt puse acolo din rigoare compozitionala, asa cum si Genesis si Tull variau materialele, cu instrumentale si acustice intre materialele de "greutate". Mai degraba cred ca nu iti plac decat ca sunt ele la nelalocul lor. Fine by me, anyway. NOS e ceva exclusiv pentru fani. Daca iti place sunetul clasic al cuvintelor, iti place si NOS, chiar daca e un rock generic. La mine e cazul. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Mier Oct 10, 2007 4:03 pm | |
| Mai jos aveti versiunea integrala a biografiei pe care am scris-o pentru ProgArchives. De intrat va intra doar 0 versiune scurtata, asa ca va ofer originalul spre puricat si comentat.
CELELALTE CUVINTE were something of a gift to the Romanian scene. They were the last of a rare breed: a truly classic band, with all the needed ingredients, namely a varied sound, the ability to write outstanding material and to balance it with evergreens, charismatic performers, an own personal “poetic art” with subtle concepts and approach, exquisite lyrical contents, the strength to self-reinvent and a devoted crowd of fans. Formed in the late 70s and still active, passing through more artistic periods with little personnel changes, they have marked their era not only as a great band but also as the link to a glorious past.
CELELALTE CUVINTE were another band to spring from the very active scene of the west side of Romania. Their home city is Oradea, which is close to Serbia and especially Hungary, many influences crossing the border via radio, coming from these more liberal regimes of the Communist block. The 80s were a particularly bad period for the rock movement in Romania due to the regime’s increased pressure to censure anything resembling personal freedom, creativity and originality – all subversive.
The band was originally formed as SONIC in 1977, a high-school band featuring the three future permanent members of CELELALTE CUVINTE, Călin POP (guitar, vocals), Marcel BREAZU (bass) and Leontin IOVAN (drums). At this point they were providing entertainment for school events, playing LED ZEPPELIN, DEEP PURPLE and PINK FLOYD. Their tastes were more elaborate though, and, being compelled by their own nature to try becoming perfect musicians, they were listening to a balanced source of complex and heavy music, from bands like LED ZEPPELIN, RUSH, GENESIS, FOCUS, COLOSSEUM, GENTLE GIANT, AC/DC, BLACK SABBATH, and also SFINX, PHOENIX, PRO MUSICA and F.F.N. from the local scene (according to their own count of influences).
In 1981, after leaving Oradea for University in Timișoara (the Romanian city with the most active scene in the country during communism, also home of PHOENIX, PROGRESIV TM, POST SCRIPTUM or PRO MUSICA), the band reformed now as a student band named CELELALTE CUVINTE (in translation “The Other Words”). Their career took off starting with a successful debut concert in December 13, 1981, at the Student Culture House in Timișoara. The following years they were to play mostly at national spread student festivals, receiving many awards and gaining public success, becoming the most popular band after the mid 80s. The first release for the band will be on an Electrecord (the state record company) label sampler called “Formații Rock 8”, the second side of the disc being dedicated to the CELELALTE CUVINTE’s four songs, one of which was “Iarba prin păr”, the ballad which was to become the band’s ultimate evergreen. The compilation was released in 1984, the band owing its appearance on it to the influential promoter Florian PITTIȘ. By this time, a new member had joined the band, second guitarist Radu MANAFU.
Leaving university and heading back home in 1987 also meant the release of the bands self-titled debut album, recorded in 1986, to great success. The music of the band consisted, at this first moment of full maturity, of long and intense heavy prog songs, powerful but not aggressive, based on the superb bass tone and playing of BREAZU, the Neil Peart inspired drumming of IOVAN and the steady pace of the guitar section, adorned with subtle passages of acoustic strings and woodwinds, all topped with Călin POP’s ethereal singing. New influences to the creative mix, especially for the woodwind contributions, were those of JETHRO TULL and of traditional folklore music. The music was echoed by heartfelt lyrics dealing with emotion and expression, bringing both a conceptual and sentimental dimension to the recordings. New member Ovidiu ROȘU also had joined for backing vocals and double-six guitar.
The second album will follow after about two years: recorded in 1989 and released in 1990, this album, called “II”, shows the integration of keyboards player Tiberiu POP. The album follows thematically the first release, but the music gains a discreet Baroque polyphonic dimension due to the keyboards – which the band felt they needed since years ago, but proper equipment was extremely difficult to obtain due to communist import policies. The music shows a movement of natural progress, with a stronger emphasis on the RUSH influence, but keeping the typically varied trademark themes and sounds of the band.
It was possibly the moment of maximum popularity for the band, concerts headlined by CELELALTE CUVINTE could gather crowds of over ten thousand people, something not happening in Romania since the glorious times of PHOENIX’s best period (1974-1976). Another thing to put things in perspective for fans was something of a coincidence: front-man Călin POP (lead guitar and vocals) seemed to re-embody the persona of Dan Andrei ALDEA, the genius musician and leader of classic70s band of cult following SFINX. His adolescent-like face, shy presence and high-pitched ethereal singing were all common to the classic progressive scene’s iconic figure of ALDEA, who was now in political exile, banned from public mention by the regime and consequently transformed into an underground symbol of progressive rock and artistic & personal integrity. Finally, one last thing establishing a connection over time was the band’s movement towards one recurrent issue of the classic progressive scene, namely the pursuit of the ideal and ultimate progressive effort: the rock poem, the rock opera. It was their highly conceptual poem-works that made PHOENIX and SFINX big, though the initiative was not theirs, but actually a product of the generation of classically trained rockers to take in the late 60s the place of the first beat bands generation (other such contributions came from SIDERAL, OLIMPIC ’64, ROȘU ȘI NEGRU, METRONOM, PROGRESIV TM, PRO MUSICA, etc.). In the late 80s and early 90s, CELELALTE CUVINTE produced two such conceptual works, “Umbre și ziduri” (“Shadows and Walls”) and “Oglinda” (“The Mirror”), which they promoted in live shows with stage director, costumes, dancers, etc., but unfortunately they were not to be finalized on disc. It was the time of the Revolution and there were no more solid grounds, no clear future perspectives.
This new tendency towards creating concepts to organize the music and the performances and give an over-all consistency to the bands lyrics, music, moods and attitude put a definitive mark on the bands future development and output, all their coming albums being more or less concept-albums. Two excerpts from the concept show “Oglinda” were to be included on the next album, but the main focus of this era is the band’s change in style, from heavy to metal. It was a consequence of gaining freedom in all aspects of life via the anti-communist Revolution in December 1989; most of the “forbidden fruits” were now accessible. Both the music scene and the public passed through major drifts of interests, metal being the thing of the day in the same way it had been completely forbidden before. It was a win-win situation for the band, being able to prove themselves their competency in mastering their instruments and getting in contact with a new, large, young and devoted generation of fans, who still follow CELELALTE CUVINTE to this day. This period is marked by the albums “Se Lasă Rău” (“It’s Getting Bad”) from 1992 and “Armaghedon” from 1994, both of them encompassing the band’s spiritual take on the contemporary society from a pessimistic view and musical mood, a gloomy apocalyptic vision now including many spiritual and religious elements, inspired by the day’s convulsions in Romanian society. The challenged styles on these albums are thrash and speed metal for the 1992 release and doom metal for the next album, but the approach is very original in a typical CELELALTE CUVINTE manner; the melancholic moods, soft passages, ethereal singing and especially the keyboards (!) melted together with the extremely aggressive and competent rhythmic section (drums/bass/guitar) with little soloing could trouble any metal purist, but looking back in perspective the results are surprisingly progressive, especially keeping in mind that 1992 was a still only the kick-off year for prog-metal with DREAM THEATER’s “Images and Words”. Though flawed by bad production, the metal albums still hold interest to this day.
1996 marks the starting of a last period for CELELALTE CUVINTE, one of conciliation with the past. This year Electrecord releases “Vinil Collection” (sic) on CD, which samples most of the early material from the debut EP and the first two albums, and can be trusted as the best introduction to the band. In 1997 the new album “Ispita” (“The Temptation”) is released on cassette, showing the metallic attitude adapted towards the band’s classic sound. Unfortunately the contract with the record company is broken before the album could get released on CD. A longer period of absence will take place until the next and last studio album from 2004, “NOS”, a good album which again takes from the classic sound, but from the perspective of a more generic rock approach.
CELELALTE CUVINTE has dedicated the last decade to playing live for the fans, and to bearing the history it encompasses with ease and dignity. New materials are expected sometime soon. | |
| | | Aldi Bill Bruford
Numarul mesajelor : 1928 Localisation : Baia Mare Data de inscriere : 05/06/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 11, 2007 7:18 pm | |
| Foarte ca lumea prezentarea andule. Uitasem de “Umbre si Ziduri” si de “Oglinda”. Unul dintre aceste show-uri, nu mai tin minte care, asi fi putut sa-l vad, dar nu am mai gasit bilet si, prin urmare, l-am ratat. Daca nu gresesc, in Bucuresti le jucau la Tandarica. Oare de ce nu le scot acum pe disc? Pot confirma popularitatea Cuvintelor, in special printre amatorii de progresiv dar si, in general, printre cei de rock, unde erau imediat in urma Iris-ilor, care aveau cel mai mare public (in special in Bucuresti, dar nu numai). Interesanta alaturarea lui Calin Pop si Dan Andrei Aldea.
Cand intra pe PA? | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 11, 2007 7:32 pm | |
| Cand se termina ciopartirea materialului la dimensiuni normale. Am cam exagerat... In vreo zi-doua intra, apoi o sa-mi mai iau o dupamasa sa introduc albumele fain-frumos. Apropo, are cineva durata pieselor de pe Se Lasa Rau / Armaghedon / Vinil Collection / Ispita / NOS, cea oficiala, de pe disc? Mersi Aldi. Apropo, citeam ca Oglinda s-ar putea reface oricand, zicea Calin Pop. Mie unuia mi-ar placea mult. Am vazut un video pe YouTube cu trupa cantand Armaghedon la Sibiu la Artmania, si pareau in forma. | |
| | | Aldi Bill Bruford
Numarul mesajelor : 1928 Localisation : Baia Mare Data de inscriere : 05/06/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 11, 2007 9:24 pm | |
| Te pot ajuta cu Armaghedon si NOS
Armaghedon 1. Asa e viata mea 4’20 2. Lupii 5’30 3. Neam blestemat 6’00 4. Lumea de apoi 6’00 *Cor de copii* 1’00 5. Armaghedon 9’45 6. Balanta 4’40 7. Cel din rasarit 4’00 8. Nu-i vina mea 4’40
La piesa 4 exact asa scrie. Cei doi timpi trebuie insumati pentru a obtine timpul total pentru 4.
NOS 1. Turbo 4’21 2. Zodia 3’22 3. www 4’20 4. Masini 6’10 5. TV 4’06 6. Homepage 5’54 7. Cinema 4’12 8. Acum 5’37 9. Iarba prin par (bonus track) 4’03 | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Vin Oct 12, 2007 12:41 am | |
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| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Sam Oct 13, 2007 4:43 pm | |
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| | | Zarec Trent Reznor
Numarul mesajelor : 1563 Varsta : 34 Localisation : Valenii de Munte Data de inscriere : 26/12/2006
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Sam Oct 13, 2007 6:38 pm | |
| felicitari | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Dum Oct 14, 2007 11:17 pm | |
| Multumesc, si mersi si pentru recenzie! Faptul ca exista un "following" e "rewarding", te convinge ca merita efortul investit. La naiba cu romgleza @Aldi: ce zici? | |
| | | Zarec Trent Reznor
Numarul mesajelor : 1563 Varsta : 34 Localisation : Valenii de Munte Data de inscriere : 26/12/2006
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Dum Oct 14, 2007 11:21 pm | |
| aa off-topic: am piesele care va lipsesc voua de la Rhetorica.. hai , sariti pe mine | |
| | | Aldi Bill Bruford
Numarul mesajelor : 1928 Localisation : Baia Mare Data de inscriere : 05/06/2007
| | | | Zarec Trent Reznor
Numarul mesajelor : 1563 Varsta : 34 Localisation : Valenii de Munte Data de inscriere : 26/12/2006
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 18, 2007 4:28 pm | |
| @andu:am vazut ca ai dat notat cu 3 stele albumu Armaghedon pe PA. Inseamna ca l-ai ascultat... impartaseste-ne si noua cateva impresii | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Dum Oct 21, 2007 2:55 am | |
| - Zarec a scris:
- @andu:am vazut ca ai dat notat cu 3 stele albumu Armaghedon pe PA. Inseamna ca l-ai ascultat... impartaseste-ne si noua cateva impresii
Parte din planul meu de "ridicat steagul", Celelalte Cuvinte vor beneficia... cadva (curand?) de o serie integrala de recenzii marca andu... Pe scurt, va fi asa: Celelalte Cuvinte (1987): *** album bun/foarte bun (deci 6/7), debut remarcabil al unei trupe deja experimentate totusi, care pune impreuna rock-ul clasic cel mai curat intr-o interpretare progresiva proprie, cu cateva puncte culminante de exceptie. Filler-ul e de calitate si se integreaza intr-o conceptie de plin-gol, tensiune-calm. Celelalte Cuvinte II (1990) *** din nou un album bun; sunetul e mai bogat si mai prog din cauza clapelor; jumatate din piese sunt de exceptie (Calatorii, Nu-mi da Tot Intr-o Zi, Comoara), solide si cu influente Rush din perioada Moving Pictures, filler-ul insa parca nu mai e asa bun ca pe anteriorul. Se Lasa Rau (1992) *** un album care e progresiv intr-un fel care, in 1992, e foarte original. Prog-metal scos din palarie de Cuvinte intr-o vreme in care nu prea era prog-metal, amestecand thrash cu clape, parti moi, cu tot ce inseamna "songwriting" de prog. Foarte neomogen, multe directii sunt doar schitate, altfel era o capodopera. Highlights: Oglinda II si Se lasa rau. Armaghedon (1994): *** bun spre foarte bun, 6/7. Mult mai matur si mai bine gandit pe ansamblu decat anteriorul, are totusi momente in care ma pierde, nu-mi retine atentia. Si nici nu mai regasesc inovatia aceea aburinda din Se Lasa Rau. Piesa Armaghedon e o capodopera, indiferent de gen, dar eu zic ca e prog. Vinil Collection (1996): **** o compilatie care demonstreaza ca CC erau o trupa ce semnifica mai mult decat suma albumelor lor, semnifica o poetica, o atitudine, o tehnica. Tot ce au mai bun in prima epoca (cea care conteaza cel mai mult pt mine) este aici, si , cam ca niciodata, superb pus in pagina (selectia, compunerea ordinii), facand mai multe servicii formatiei decat albumele propriu-zise. Am "crescut" cu discul asta, dragoste la prima auzire. Ispita (1997): *** bun, desi nu tin minte prea mult din el; totusi nu asociez cu ascultarea lui nici o deceptie (cred ca ei sunt una din putinele formatii daca nu singura care, la o discografie relativ extinsa, nu mi-a prilejuit deceptii). Ar merita un CD. NOS (2004): *** bun (5/6), simpatia mea umple golurile - e cel mai putin progresiv album al trupei, desi nu e cel mai putin prog. Dupa cateva auditii obisnuite am avut inspiratia sa fac una si la niste casti bune, ceea ce a schimbat drastic primele impresii, relevandu-mi chiar cateva momente4 excelente muzical. Surprinzator, partea slaba e cea ne-muzicala; conceptul scartie si versurile sunt lipsite de inspiratie, ceea ce e o premiera pentru Cuvinte. Altfel, ma lasa optimist pentru viitor. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 25, 2007 2:07 pm | |
| ca tot ai intrebat, cum ti se par cele de mai sus, zarec? daca nu apare nimic nou (singura modificare posibila pe care o pot vedea, in functie de cum mi se va parea albumul pe debut pe CD, ar fi upgrade-ul ratingului lui de la *** la ****), asa voi si recenza. sa nu uit - tin minte ca ati pomenit de un digipack pentru Armaghedon, corect? de unde il aveti? eu nici n-am auzit de el si nici nu l-am vazut prin magazine. m-ar interesa. | |
| | | Zarec Trent Reznor
Numarul mesajelor : 1563 Varsta : 34 Localisation : Valenii de Munte Data de inscriere : 26/12/2006
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 25, 2007 2:51 pm | |
| eu am audio ripp-ul de pe digipak-ul de Armageddon. de unde stiu ca nu e aberatie de internet? pai am si copertile care SUNT DE DIGIPAK. si gravewish sunt oameni seriosi, nu isi bat joc de cei care le downloadeaza torrentii. legat de cele de mai sus, stai sa reascult Celelalte Cuvinte I si Se Lasa Rau ca le-am cam uitat bine-bine. (imi plac dar inca nu le ascult constant)
Ultima editare efectuata de catre in Joi Oct 25, 2007 2:54 pm, editata de 1 ori | |
| | | Aldi Bill Bruford
Numarul mesajelor : 1928 Localisation : Baia Mare Data de inscriere : 05/06/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 25, 2007 2:52 pm | |
| Intr-adevar, "Armaghedon" e scos in format digipack. Nu cred ca a mai aparut si altfel (cu toata "imensa generozitate" a caselor de discuri locale). Nu se poate sa nu il gasesti in Bucurestiul ala mare. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Joi Oct 25, 2007 8:57 pm | |
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| | | Zarec Trent Reznor
Numarul mesajelor : 1563 Varsta : 34 Localisation : Valenii de Munte Data de inscriere : 26/12/2006
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Sam Oct 27, 2007 8:20 am | |
| am gustat ieri debutul Celorlalte Cuvinte si ceva m-a lovit dupa ceafa fara sa imi dau seama. Am auzit atat de mult King Crimson (mai ales la aprtea vocala) si hard rock "d-ala destept" incat nu imi venea sa cred. Din pacate a trebuit sa dau o fuga sa imi iau un dvd sa pun discografia Negura Bunget FLAC pe el ca sa imi mai eliberez din spatiu, si nu am ascultat si piesele bonus.. Azi nu pot asculta nimic ca termin boul ala de studiu de caz.. ... va urma... | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Celalalte Cuvinte Vin Noi 02, 2007 9:56 pm | |
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