Happiness is the Road - Volumul 1: Essence
1. Dreamy Street
2. This Train is my Life
3. Essence
4. Wrapped Up in Time
5. Liquidity
6. Nothing Fills the Hole
7. Woke Up
8. Trap the Spark
9. A State of Mind
10. Happiness is the Road
Happiness is the Road - Volumul 2: The Hard Shoulder
1. Thunder Fly
2. The Man from the Planet Marzipan
3. Asylum Satellite
4. Older than Me
5. Throw Me Out
6. Half the World
7. Whatever is Wrong with You
8. Especially True
9. Real Tears for Sale
Desi aparitia oficiala in magazine a acestui dublu album este programata a fi pe data de 20.10.2008 ,albumul se poate asculta la
MusicGlue,Marillion fiind (inca odata) adeptii ideilor
avangardiste pe internet.