| Progressive Metal made in Ro | |
+9Metabog EvolutionarySleeper andu P.Matei Aldi okt31 Sayuri Zarec Piotr Buendia 13 participan?i | |
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korgsp nota
Numarul mesajelor : 26 Data de inscriere : 22/02/2008
| Subiect: underground bands Vin Feb 22, 2008 7:54 pm | |
| Au fost multe si imi apre rau ca acum 6/7 ani underground-ul avea trupe remarcabile de prog da care astazi nimeni nu mai stie nimic: Ipse (remarcabil stil, nici in prog-ul international nu am auzit asa ceva, condusa de actualul lider de la Sensor) Retorica Dirty Shirt Horizont (trupa de unguri din Sf Gheorghe incredibila) Defender Celest (chitarist de exceptie) Michelangelo ( in care am activat si eu ca si clapar dar trebuie sa evidentiez talentul basistului) Psycho Simphony si multi altii. Eu cu ai mei am reusit sa scot un singur material care il puteti asculta la www.isound.com/michelangelo_roIndraznesc sa lansez si un proiect de colaborare on line avand in vedere ca amatorii de prog si mai ales muzicienii sun f rari si nu prea au sanse sa se intalneasca toti dintr-un singur oras. EU am un pian korg sp250 si un korg x5 si bineintelesc calculatorul de rigoare avand in vedere ca este epoca internetului si mp3-urile se trimit instantaneu pe mess poate facem ceva | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Vin Feb 22, 2008 11:13 pm | |
| bun venit si mult succes! | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Sam Iul 19, 2008 6:35 pm | |
| intre timp Psycho Symphony s-au intors in afaceri, mai exista sperante pentru revigorarea genului la noi. Negura Bunget se misca foarte bine in afara. a mai aparut si trupa Highlight, care face un amestec promitator de hardcore si prog-metal (mai mult hardcore pe moment). au vreo doua-trei compozitii interesante, pe care le-am auzit la concertul de la Oreange Concept Store (preselectia pentru Stufstock). http://www.myspace.com/highlightrockband | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Mier Feb 11, 2009 4:06 pm | |
| Se pare ca a aparut o trupa interesanta de prog cu elemente de post-metal, Rubycone din Republica Moldova. I-am gasit cu albumul de debut in top 10 albume romanesti facut pe Muzici si Faze: http://www.muzicisifaze.com/alt_articol.php?id=3607. RUBYCONE - Pictures for susceptible housewives (Nordika Multimedia) Formatie interesanta din Chisinau cu un album de prog-rock al anului 2008. Partituri de chitara pline de fantezie si elemente de "post-metal". Doar pe locul 7, din cauza diferentelor de nivel dintre instrumentistii. www.myspace.com/rubycone I'll check them out - cand ajung acasa. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Dum Feb 15, 2009 5:00 pm | |
| - andu a scris:
Formatie interesanta din Chisinau cu un album de prog-rock al anului 2008. Partituri de chitara pline de fantezie si elemente de "post-metal". Doar pe locul 7, din cauza diferentelor de nivel dintre instrumentistii.
I'll check them out - cand ajung acasa. ex-ce-lent! e de fapt prog-metal curat. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Dum Mar 15, 2009 12:19 am | |
| exista potential pentru o noua trupa romaneasca de prog-metal/crossover, se pare: Contra Band in urmarire generala Articol de Mircea Toma O tona de cocaina la Agigea = un gram de rock la Big Mamou! Tara poate! Politia a capturat 1203,9 kg de cocaina pura la Agigea. Politia a scapat definitiv din vedere 140 de detinuti eliberati provizoriu. Detinutii liberi omoara locuitori. Alti penali, liberi, sunt promovati ministri de interne. Ministrii isi dau demisia. Ultimul ministru a zis ca demisioneaza din motive de onoare. Onoare care nu l-a impiedicat sa accepte functia pentru vreo 2 saptamani. Practic, cu o asemenea evolutie a evenimentelor nu te mai simti in siguranta la Agigea, Brasov, Craiova, Bucuresti, Romania. Asta daca esti in cautare de liniste. Dar uite ca situatia ii nemultumeste si pe cei care sunt in cautare de neliniste. Ma refer la cetatenii romani pentru care o captura de cocaina, o scurgere de detinuti si o demisie de ministri nu sunt conditii suficiente ca sa se simta in nesiguranta. Hai, copii, poate tarisoara un pic mai mult? Ei bine, sambata, la Big Mamou, am dat de altfel de delincventi. Vladimir Pocorschi (chitara), Vladi „jeff“ Isateanu (bas), Gabi Dragan (tobe), Six Fingers (clape), Marius Pop (chitara), Zsolt Molnar (vibrafon). Contra Band. L-am intrebat, inainte de concert, pe juniorul Pocorschi ce intentii au. Iresponsabilul mi-a raspuns ca nu stie, ca vor improviza. Wow (uau), asta da, neliniste! Si chiar asta au facut: ne-au extras din marlania cotidiana. Au reconstruit, cu virtuozitate, epoca pe care, paradoxal, si noi (n.1952), si ei (n.1985), o iubim: Dream Theater, Gary Moore, Rush, Hendrix, Scott Henderson, Wes Montgomery. Energic, sarcastic, cu o imensa pofta de joaca. Au improvizat viguros prog-rock, heavy metal, blues. Mi-au dat sentimentul ca rafuiala cu lumea nu-i o tv-chestie de doi lei: cu meclele lor de pusti cu gura pana la urechi, m-au asigurat muzical ca misiunea revoltatilor din anii ‘60 nu s-a irosit. Am fost eliberat temporar din Romania. mircea.toma@catavencu.ro | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Mier Iun 10, 2009 12:43 am | |
| http://www.metalhead.ro/index.php?module=articles&action=view&articleid=63540&entity_type_id=1&lang_id=1A sosit timpul sa lansam un anunt oficial despre trupa care va continua drumul inceput in urma cu 15 ani sub numele de Negura Bunget. Noua entitate poarta numele Dordeduh si o simpla traducere a acestuia ar putea semnifica "dor de duh/spirit". Mai multe detalii despre semnificatia adanca a numelui si despre background-ul conceptual al trupei vor fi disponibile in curand pe site-ul nostru oficial www.dordeduh.com si pe www.myspace.com/officialdordeduh . Componenta formatiei este: Hupogrammos & Sol Faur, Arioch - care a activat ca basist alaturi de Negura Bunget timp de un an si jumatate, chitarist in Odem Arcarum si Secrets of the Moon, Thelemnar - bateristul Secrets of the Moon si The Vision Bleak (de asemenea percutionist in ultimele aparitii live ale Negura Bunget) si Sergio Ponti - fost baterist in Ephel Duath, Illogicist. Telul nostru este unirea transcendentei cu substanta materiala si elevarea constiintei pe cele mai inalte taramuri ale spiritului uman printr-un act muzical care sa incapsuleze cele mai adanci adevaruri sufletesti. Avem convingerea ca drumul deschis de Negura Bunget cu ani in urma poate si trebuie sa fie continuat de Dordeduh in scopul reprezentarii unei uniuni intre desavarsirea esentei umane si univers, printr-un proces neconditionat. Sa fie intr-un ceas bun! | |
| | | H to He capodopera
Numarul mesajelor : 599 Data de inscriere : 16/01/2009
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Mier Iun 10, 2009 5:24 pm | |
| ma intreb daca ei chiar cred in acea descriere a muzici lor. parerea mea este ca scot prea usor cuvintele. desigur, aroganta este specifica prog-ului, insa trebuie sa ai cu ce sa fii arogant.
Telul nostru este unirea transcendentei cu substanta materiala si elevarea constiintei pe cele mai inalte taramuri ale spiritului uman printr-un act muzical care sa incapsuleze cele mai adanci adevaruri sufletesti. Avem convingerea ca drumul deschis de Negura Bunget cu ani in urma poate si trebuie sa fie continuat de Dordeduh in scopul reprezentarii unei uniuni intre desavarsirea esentei umane si univers, printr-un proces neconditionat. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Vin Ian 01, 2010 6:07 am | |
| - andu a scris:
- andu a scris:
Formatie interesanta din Chisinau cu un album de prog-rock al anului 2008. Partituri de chitara pline de fantezie si elemente de "post-metal". Doar pe locul 7, din cauza diferentelor de nivel dintre instrumentistii.
I'll check them out - cand ajung acasa. ex-ce-lent!
e de fapt prog-metal curat. Sunt pe PA si au primit prima recenzie (pozitiva) aici: http://www.progarchives.com/Review.asp?id=258677Raff Special Collaborator 4 stars Even a casual listener will immediately notice the album's quirky title and the matching, Fifties-style cover artwork. The tracklist will then reveal titles that bring the Canterbury scene to mind, displaying a sense of humour that is none too frequent in the world of progressive rock. The actual listening experience, however, may turn out to be disappointing for those expecting a series of avant-garde-tinged, amusing stories - "Pictures for Susceptible Housewives" is a wholly instrumental album, and the only vocals heard come in the shape of voice-overs. Though the album was conceived as a series of sonic vignettes, loosely based on the effect of consumerism on ordinary people, its instrumental nature makes the connection between the concept and the music somewhat elusive, unless one is possessed of a very fertile imagination. It was nevertheless a bold move on the part of the band, and one that could lead to interesting developments . Musically speaking, Rubycone occupy that grey area between prog-metal and hard-edged 'classic' prog à la King Crimson. The prog-metal inspiration is most evident in the second half of the album, in the crushingly heavy riffs and rapid-fire drumming of the likes of "Cry Baby, You Are a Machine" and "Don't Stop, Michael". Echoes of King Crimson surface instead in the guitar tone of "Children and Funny Earthquake". Most of the tracks alternate slower, mid-paced sections with hectic riffing and spiky, shred-like lead work - as exemplified by "Vikings Love Horses", which features some tasteful, Spanish-style guitar licks alongside the unleashed riffage, and the drum-powered "Fisherman's Story". As the whole album runs at 41 minutes, the tracks are short and to the point - the longest, album closer "When the Rain Is Over, I'll Say to You Hasta la Vista", is for more than half made up of sound effects (rain, thunder and lightning), plus a snippet of dialogue from the "Terminator 2" movie, while the rest is a full-throttle metal cavalcade. Given the nature of the music, the disc's short running time is definitely a bonus point ? something a lot of modern bands still have to learn. There are also a couple of mainly acoustic, very short interludes, "Midnight Broken Heart" and the funnily-named "Porcupine Tree Alone". As can be expected from such an ambitious album, the musicianship is excellent throughout. Thankfully, the collective members of Rubycone avoid bludgeoning the listener over the head with their technical chops, and the outstanding production values make it possible for each musician to be heard and appreciated in his own right. On the other hand, it should also be said that "Pictures for Susceptible Housewives", though an undeniably solid effort, is not always completely successful in the originality department, and that the frequent shredding can get somewhat tiresome at times. A bit more melody in the guitar department would definitely be an improvement for the future, especially if the band choose to pursue the path of instrumental music. | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Vin Ian 01, 2010 3:17 pm | |
| Inca un review: http://www.progarchives.com/Review.asp?id=258745Windhawk Special Collaborator Neo Prog/Xover Teams & Band Submissions 4 stars Intriguing debut from this Moldovan act. On these 11 instrumentals they explore a contrasting musical landscape, where the guitars dominate the proceedings from start to finish. Acoustic guitars and melodic undistorted guitars are contrasted with distorted and often heavy riffs, where each track has sequences of both the gentler and the more brutal aspects of this instrument; and careful dissonances are added in the multiple layered guitar themes to add some subtle textures and details to the explorations. Usually there will be either one soloing pattern over a more laid-back melodic theme or a riff pattern; but also melodic embellishments over a thematic foundation are utilized from time to time. Short tunes means that these efforts don't get too repetitive, and there are enough good ideas on this album to make it enjoyable too - at least of you're fond of instrumental albums verging back and forth between rock and metal in style. Good debut by a talented act. | |
| | | H to He capodopera
Numarul mesajelor : 599 Data de inscriere : 16/01/2009
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Sam Ian 02, 2010 12:39 am | |
| Satanochio este o trupa de black metal mai experimental. muzica care este strict doar pentru cei care digera acest gen de muzica. poate pe viitor or sa vina cu ceva mai reusit. instrumental suna bine uneori, insa partea vocala e groaznica tot timpul. discografie: FROM BEYOND / LP (2008) VAGRANT MATTER HERITAGE /E.P. (2007) DARK VISIONS FROM THE FOG /dvd (2007) HEIHAIHEIHEI CAINI /single (2007) I AM SATANOCHIO /LP (2006) DAEMON /maxi (2005) THE NAUGHTY NIGHTFALL MASSACRE /mcd (2005) THE FIRST STRIKE OF THE POSSESSED /mcd (2005) | |
| | | andu Dan Andrei Aldea
Numarul mesajelor : 5354 Varsta : 42 Data de inscriere : 17/01/2007
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Vin Iun 18, 2010 5:25 pm | |
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| | | korgsp nota
Numarul mesajelor : 26 Data de inscriere : 22/02/2008
| Subiect: Celest Vin Aug 12, 2011 4:19 pm | |
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| | | spitf1r3 nota
Numarul mesajelor : 8 Varsta : 44 Data de inscriere : 15/12/2010
| Subiect: Re: Progressive Metal made in Ro Vin Sept 23, 2011 3:16 pm | |
| Jalnice amandoua trupele. Daca ar exista divizii ca la fotbal, amandoua s-ar afla in divizia a 3-a a prog-metalului. | |
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